Site Guide

This site is designed to be fast, accessible, easy to navigate, and easy to read. The pages use a method of presentation which involves delivering valid and web-standard XHTML for organizing content and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to handle the visual design and layout. While most modern browsers support these web standards, older browsers may only display the raw content.

If your browser is having trouble displaying these pages correctly, or for more information on recommended browsers and XHTML/CSS, please visit The Web Standards Project.

Visual design…

  1. This site is built with tableless XHTML and uses CSS for its visual design. This allows the separation of page content from it's presentation and decreases page load times, increases accessibility on all browsers and devices (PDAs, mobile phones, etc.), and makes the pages very easy to maintain.
  2. If your browser or browsing device does not support stylesheets at all (such as PDAs, wireless phones, and assistive devices like screen readers), the content of each page is still readable.

All pages have been audited for accessibility by the Cynthia Says™ Web Content Accessibility Portal.